One of the best ways to show employees that you are listening is to dig deeper into their responses through the Follow Up Feedback and Chat tools we made available!
On average, 53% of employees feel their leader is not doing a good job encouraging and recognizing suggestions for improvement [1] so engaging with them through these tools helps you to stand out from the crowd.
When employees are unhappy but you're not sure how to improve their mood, request additional details through Follow Up Feedback. It is also useful to request feedback from the happy members of your team in order to figure out what is going well so that you can keep doing it.
Additionally, make sure to respond to all comments through Chat! At the minimum, you should provide a simple acknowledgement. Even if you do not have a perfect solution to an employee's comment, sending them a Chat saying that you have read the comment and will do your best to help gives them confidence that their feedback isn't disappearing into a black hole.
To learn how to utilize these two great features, check out our articles on Follow Up Feedback based on Mood Scores, Follow Up Feedback based on Driver Scores, and Chat.