When your team completes the survey they also have the ability to share comments relating to the engagement drivers or any other thoughts they have on their mind (optional).
Managers are usually busy and don’t have time to answer every comment in a detailed way. We understand it! But we have found that even a simple answer, such as: “Thanks for bringing this issue to my attention, I will bring it up in my next meeting!” makes employees feel heard. They’ll know that their comments are being read, which will encourage them to leave more honest feedback in the future, as well as use the tool more frequently.
To find the comments from a survey, scroll down on your dashboard and select the Comments tab. From this tab, you are able to see all general comments through the “General” tab and all driver comments through the “Driver” tab. For each general comment you can see all general comments from the survey, the commenter’s mood, if they have been replied to, and the date and time that the comment was submitted. For each driver comment, you will see similar information, except the mood is replaced by the driver and score the employee gave. You can also search the comments for keywords, filter them, and sort them.
To reply to a comment, simply hover over the purple action button in the right of the comment box and select “Reply”. This will open up a chat modal through which you type out your reply and submit it by hitting the “Send reply” button.
Once you have replied to a comment, the employee who submitted it will receive a notification that you have replied to them. They will be given the opportunity to reply back to you, but do not feel discouraged if they choose not to respond. The important thing is that you have taken the initiative to reply and shown that you value their feedback.